Theodor Pištěk
1932 - born on October 25 in Prague, father: actor Theodor Pištěk, mother: actress Marie Ženíšková 1948-52 - College of Decorative Arts in Prague 1951 - beginning of automobile competitions and races 1952-58 - Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, studio of Prof. V. Nechleba /begins friendships with B. Dlouhý, J. Koblasa, K. Nepraš, F. Mertl, J. Vachuda, H. Demartini, J. Vožniak/ 1958-59 - honorary year with Professor A. Pelc at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague 1959 - artistic collaboration on the film by F. Vláčil Holubice (The Dove); beginning of continuous work as a film artistic designer; the most important participation in Vláčil’s films – Markéta Lazarová (1967), Údolí včel (Valley of the Bees, 1967) - first trip abroad (Poland), together with H. Demartini, B. Dlouhý, M. Ressl, J. Vachuda, Z. Sekal 1960 - first independent exhibition at the Film Club, Prague – study for Vláčil’s film Holubice and figurative composition - paints cubist/expressionist figurative compositions/works with the structure by adding sand and clay to paint/ 1962 - foundation of the “Palette of the Homeland” with his friends from the Academy – an informal association to cultivate activities whose participants have no presuppositions for, thus evoking dadaist events 1962-63 - transition from plastic perception of pictures to gypsum reliefs – abstractions in geometric version 1964 - first demonstration of interest in the topic of the technical world; creation of reliefs – exhibits issuing from structures of a section through an automobile cooler and parts of the engine 1967-69 - continuous participation in automobile races, the European Cup ring-racing series - trip to Austria, meets the sculptor K. Prantl 1968 - participation in group exhibitions 1968-72 - continuation in pictures drawn by pen, accepted colour and spaciousness, interest in organic shapes 1969 - cooperation on the “Man and the World” pavilion at an exhibition in Montreal /together with B. Dlouhý, M. Ressl and J. Vožniak/ 1972 - trip to France, meets Joan Miró 1972-73 - nomination for the Czechoslovak automobile ring-racing national team 1974 - end of racing activities 1972-75 - starts to deal with issues of the modern world, creates huge dioramas whose background is formed by illusionary painted landscapes 1975-78 - advances from dioramas to pictures maintaining the method of photographic illusionism inspired by the theme of technical civilisation 1977-79 - president of the Palette of the Homeland 1978 - second independent exhibition of pictures and film costumes, Nová síň (New Hall) in Prague 1982 - independent exhibition at the Václav Špála Gallery, Prague - collaboration on M. Forman’s film Amadeus 1984 - independent exhibition at the Art Gallery in Karlovy Vary - receives an Oscar for costume design for Amadeus 1985 - exhibits a collection of pictures at the Arnold and Porter Gallery and the Henri Gallery, Washington 1986 - exhibition of costume designs at the Museum of Evansville, Indiana - exhibition of pictures at the Down Town Gallery, Indianapolis 1987 - exhibition of pictures at the Nicole Gallery, New York - exhibition of film design at the Fifth Avenue Gallery, New York 1988 - independent exhibition at the Central Railwaymen’s Community Centre, Prague 1990 - receives the French Academy Award (“César“) for costume designs for M. Forman’s film Valmont 1993 - independent exhibition of pictures and installations at the Aleš South Bohemia Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou 1997 - independent exhibition of pictures and installations at the Municipal Library, Gallery of the City of Prague 2000 - exhibition at the Czech Centre, Berlin 2002 - “Homage to Theodor Pištěk”, exhibition of costume designs, Bítov Castle 2003 - “Spaces ´90“, Pecka Gallery, Prague Represented in the National Gallery in Prague, Aleš South Bohemia Gallery in Hluboká nad Vltavou, Art Gallery in Karlovy Vary, Benedikt Rejt Gallery in Louny, North Bohemia Gallery in Liberec, State Jewish Museum in Prague and collections of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Update: April 2006