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This season’s highlight: Strauss’ Elektra at the State Opera in Prague


The State Opera presents a new production of Richard Strauss’ opera Elektra – under the baton of maestro Roland Boer and directed by the renowned British director Keith Warner. The main character is created by famous British soprano Susan Bullock who made her debut in this role with a great success at the Metropolitan Opera. Extraordinary aspect of this production is higlighted by international cast: the role of Clytemnestra will be sung by prominent English singer Rosalind Plowright, Chrysothemis is sung by soprano Anna Gabler, Aigistha by tenor Richard Berkeley-Steele and Orestes by Miguelangelo Cavalcanti. The author of the set design is the notable Slovak stage designer Boris Kudlička who presented artistic conception of Strauss’ Salome in the State Opera a year ago. The gala premiere is scheduled for June 10, 2016.