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The National Theatre is the first Czech theatre to receive a new European sustainability certificate



Theatre Green Book, an international initiative of the ETC European network of 63 theatres from 31 countries, is launching the first ever pan-European certification whereby theatres track their progress towards zero emissions in three areas: productions, operations and buildings. The National Theatre has been awarded a major new European certification for its efforts to achieve zero emissions. In a ceremony at the Avignon Theatre Festival held on 1 July 2024, it was awarded the ETC Theatre Green Book 'Basic' certification.

This new sustainable theatre tool and voluntary certification system provides European venues with simple tools and calculators to ensure climate neutrality of productions, operations (catering, logistics and travel) and buildings.

"I was surprised myself how much work has been done at the National Theatre over the last twenty years towards sustainability and how we are in an exceptional position in this respect among European theatres," says Martin Kukučka, one of the artistic directors of Drama in the National Theatre.
