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ND Talks: Is theatre dangerous?


Meeting, discussion
Contemporary social topic
Prague Crossroads Festival

Letošní ročník festivalu Pražské křižovatky otevřeme panelovou diskusí v rámci projektu Resistance now! Tour, pořádanou ve spolupráci s festivalem Wiener Festwochen.

Current leading European theatre director and artistic director of the Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) Festival Milo Rau will present his latest production, Medea's Children, at the Prague Crossroads Festival. At the same time, he is coming with his discussion project Resistance now! A tour that aims to bring together representatives of institutions, artists and activists.

This panel is part of a debate tour called the "Resistance now!" Tour. I felt the need to connect with other artists. In other words, to find out specifically what attacks they have to contend with. Because the helplessness of all of us has to do with exactly one thing: that we do not combine our struggles, that we each fight them for ourselves, in heroic solitude, so to speak. But, simply put, we need an International of Struggles. – Milo Rau

Together we will ask what is the role of theater in the 21st century, what can we structurally do as the cultural sector to support a free, creative and independent theater scene in Europe and what is necessary to protect it from politically motivated attacks like we experienced this summer in Slovakia.

The guests will be Milo Rau, Dóra Büki, managing director from the Hungarian Proton Theatre, which is facing unprecedented pressure from the Fidesz government, Miriam Kičiňová, artistic director of the Drama Departement of the Slovak National Theatre, and Jiří Havelka, the incoming artistic director of Dejvické divadlo. Hosted by Nina Jacques, dramaturg of the Prague Crossroads Festival.


Wednesday 6. 11. 2024 at 18.00 at the New Stage's foyer

Milo Rau's opening keynote speech at the International Conference of the ITI "Embrace and Connect", which took place on 19 September 2024 in Antwerp, Belgium, is available here.
