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Case study: production of One More Minute (Ještě chvilku) – Sustainable productions at the National Theatre



After sustainable energy-saving Technologies, there is a time to look at sustainable productions - after all, the emphasis on these principles is declared in the National Theatre's environmental policy and is also written into contractual obligations.
But is this possible in an institution as large as the National Theatre? This can be found out thanks to the methodology of The Theatre Green Book, which helps to map in detail the process of creating specific productions.
The drama production One More Minute was selected for this purpose as part of a pilot project, and a case study by Jana Hřebecká and Zuzana Kuberová was created in cooperation with the Re-Use Federation, which you can read in PDF format HERE.
One of the most important parts is the Inventory of Materials, which records everything that is part of the production, where each item comes from and what happens to it afterwards. The score is calculated from all objects and materials used in the production and asks for their source. It also looks into the future - what happens to the materials after the derringer. You can see the results of Still a Moment in the table below. We hope that the pilot project will inspire other upcoming productions at the National Theatre and take another important step towards operating responsibly towards future generations.
