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Recycling and environmental sustainability of the National Theater at the PAMS symposium: Overproduction



This year's symposium of the Department of Production and the Department of Theory and Criticism of DAMU, which took place on November 7 and 8 in the HAMU Gallery on Malostranské náměstí, was devoted to the topic of "overproduction". It touched on the areas of management, sustainability, cultural policy, cultural reflection, dramaturgy, audience, financing, undergrowth, etc. The National Theater's administrative director Ing. Jana Dvořáková, PhD MBA and theater dramaturg Nina Jacques. Our entire block was moderated by Adam Bureš from the National Theater Opera and the State Opera.

Ecological transformation is one of the biggest challenges that await us. The National Theater is the largest theater in the Czech Republic, and the size of its operation corresponds to this. Awareness of our responsibility towards the planet and the environment has led us to establish a team that works hard to make our operations more efficient and sustainable. Although this need was accelerated by the energy crisis, the principles of sustainability relate to stronger energy strategies, as well as the production of decorations and costumes, the functioning of the entire institution, catering, and even interpersonal relationships. The basic starting point for sustainability in the field of artistic creation is the manual The Theater Green book, which was created during covid in Great Britain. Now, within the framework of the European Theater Convention platform, there is a working group of which the National Theater is a part, which focuses on the official implementation of TGB within the European theater network. The Theater Green Book and ETC were presented as part of the symposium by Nina Jacques, dramaturg of ND Drama.

The implementation of an environmental strategy in the broadest sense of the word is a long and demanding process due to the size of the National Theatre. In the field of energy, the National Theater is at a very high level, but in the field of sustainable artistic production, it is only at the beginning. Why did the National Theater decide to follow the path of sustainability and how does the whole process take place, what are the pitfalls and barriers of implementation? This topic will be developed by the administrative director of the National Theater Ing. Jana Dvořáková, PhD MBA.

We are very happy that the participants of the symposium were interested in our panel and we believe that thanks to it we will also be able to establish a number of other collaborations.

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