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Today 50 years have passed since John Cranko’s death



Today 50 years have passed since John Cranko’s death. A sad anniversary indeed. 

Cranko also played a crucial role in the life and career of Jiří Kylián.

“His untimely sudden passing shocked the ballet world at the time. Those of us who had the honour to know him, perceived it as an unspeakable catastrophe. Although Cranko died when he was just 45 years of age, he left behind an invaluable legacy as a choreographer and human alike. He was open to everything and ready to lend a helping hand to everyone. Cranko affected every one of those who happened to cross his orbit, myself included. His premature departure was an immense blow to all of us, yet his spirit, mindset and worldview have remained with us up to the present day,” Jiří Kylián recalls.

We would like to dedicate all performances of John Cranko’s Swan Lake till the end of this season to the memory of it’s creator.
