Adéla Abdul Khaleg
Member of the Laterna magika ensembleBiography
Adéla Abdul Khaleg is a graduate of the Dance Centre Prague - Conservatory. While still a student, she was a member of the school’s two companies, Baby Ballet Prague and Ballet Prague Junior, attended workshops abroad, and appeared at festivals in Sweden and Serbia. In 2013, she represented the CzechRepublic at the Eurovision Young Dancers competition in Gdansk, Poland, where she advanced to the final with her own choreography, Love under Pressure.
Furthermore, she collaborated with the South Bohemia Theatre Ballet company, from 2013 to 2015 was its member and performed in both classical and modern repertoire works, for example např. Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Nutcracker, Six Dances (chor. J. Kylián), Magic Flute (chor. A. Egerházi) and many others. Since 2015, she has cooperated with the musical theatres Broadway, Hybernia, Goja Music Hall (Mephistopheles, Angelika, Romeo and Juliet, Dance of the Vampires – a solo role).
Adéla is also a member of the IF dance group, established by the choreographer Qaša, as well as the Dance Models agency, with whom she has performed at events at home and abroad alike. She has created choreographies for the Art 4 People club. In 2017, she began working with the National Theatre in Prague and the choreographer Jan Kodet (the operas Orphée aux enfers and Rusalka). Since 2018, Adéla has also performed as a dancer in the Vivaldianno project, with which she has toured the world.