Adéla Laštovková Stodolová
Guest of the OperaBiography
The stage director, choreographer, dancer and actor Adéla Laštovková Stodolová studied at the Duncan Centre Conservatory and at the Department of Nonverbal and Comedy Theatre of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (under the tutelage of Ctibor Turba). Besides acting (collaboration with the Archa, Studio Y, Comedy, Alfred ve dvoře and Rokoko theatres), she has worked as a choreographer (e.g. Happy End at the Na zábradlí Theatre and The Paradise of the Heart, the Labyrinth of the World at Archa) and pursued her own projects (Behind It, The One and Only, It´s Lovely, Little Death). Adéla first gained acclaim with her graduation performance, The One and Only (2002), for which she received the Divadelní noviny Prize in the alternative theatre category and several accolades at international festivals. She has frequently worked with the SKUTR tandem of stage directors and led movement and dance theatre workshops. At the National Theatre in Prague, she has choreographed the productions The Excursions of Mr. Brouček, Heroes and The End of Carnival.