Alexandra Grusková
Studied restoration at the School of Applied Arts and subsequently set and costume design at the Theatre Faculty of the University of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Since 2000 she has taught in the Set Design Department and since 2008 has been a senior lecturer. She has collaborated with renowned stage directors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in opera, dance and drama.Her most noteworthy productions include Puccini’s Tosca, Dvořák’s Rusalka and The Jacobin, Martinů’s The Miracles of Mary, Wagner’s Parsifal, Britten’s Gloriana, Fibich’s The Fall of Arkun, Jirásek’s Lantern, Franz’s ballet Goldilocks and Matějů’s ballet Krabat for the National Theatre Prague; Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Twelfth Night and The Taming of the Shrew, Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac, Wilde’s The Ideal Husband, Marivaux’s False Confessions, Britten’s Peter Grimes, Bartok’s Bluebeard’s Castle and Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte for the Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava; Smetana’s The Bartered Bride for the National Theatre Brno; Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Chekhov’s The Seagull, the Mrštík brothers’ Maryša, Ibsen’s Heda Gabler, Tajovský’s Estates Are a Mess for the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra; the musical Excalibur for Prague’sTa Fantastica theatre; West Side Story and Jack Frost for Divadlo Nová scéna in Bratislava. As an architect and costume designer she has also worked in film and television. Her most noteworthy productions are the TV films Amálko, já se zblázním (Amalka, I’ll Go Mad), Dlouhá krátká noc (A Long Short Night), Vůle a představa manželů Andrassyových (The Will and Ideas of the Andrassys) for Slovak Television, Vadí nevadí (Do You Mind? I Don’t Mind, Studio Honza), Květy Sakury ( Sakura Flowers, Arina), Pokoj v duši (Peace of Mind, Forza), Tma ( Darkness, Film Studio Gatteo), Květy a Lucia (Flowers and Lucia, Oreo). She has been nominated several times and twice received the DOSKY theatre award for the best set and costume design. In 2004 she won the Tatrabanka Award for the Arts.
Updated: June 2015