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Dominik Žižka

Dominik Lukács Žižka


Dominik Lukács Žižka obtained a Master’s degree from the Studio of Interactive Media, Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. He furthered his training in the fields of installation/performance/video/audio at the Experimental Studio Volta in Belgium. In his professional career, he has focused on work in the media of video, audio and installation. He has taken part in several projects of stage director Petra Tejnorová, including e.g. Innocence; Nick, You Are Here; Nothing Sad; Let´s Go to a DanceThe Truth about 17/11;  and the documentary Hello, Is Anyone There?. His previous collaborations with the National Theatre drama company have included work on its productions Night Season (2017) and Speech to the Nation (2019).