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Francesco Scarpato

Francesco Scarpato

Soloist of The Czech National Ballet


By the age of 17 years old he started the courses at La Scala Ballet School (Milan,Italy) under the direction of Annamaria Prina until 2006 and since 2007 under the direction of Frédéric Olivieri,having as teacher Leonid Nikonov.On 31st May 2008 he received his diploma at La Scala Ballet School with 26/30 in ballet dancing and 22/30 in contemporary dancing.

From the 2008 till 2010 he worked in the National Theater of Brno (CZ).From August 2010 till now he is working in the Czech National Ballet (Narodni Divadlo) in Prague (CZ) and became soloist in 2015. 

He danced in Nutcracker, chor. Youri Vamos,Sólo pro tři, chor. Petr Zuska, Baletománie, chor. Helena Kazárová, Swan Lake, chor. Kenneth Greve, Mahler 1st symphony, chor. Petr Zuska, Goldilocks, chor. Jan Kodet, Oněgin, chor. John Cranko, Cinderella, chor. Jean-Christophe Maillot.

You could see him in Moonshine, chor. Christopher Bruce, in In the Middle of Somewhat Elevated, chor. William Forsythe, Sleeping beauty, chor. Javier Torres or in Themes and Variations, chor. George Balanchine. He was amazing in Amerikana III, Česká baletní symfonie II and Ballettissimo. He performed Romeo in ballet Romeo and Juliet, Solors friend and Bodhisattvu in La Bayadere. He was dancing in Louskáček a Myšák Plyšák, Snowqueen, La fille mal gardée, Timeless. In contemporary repertoir Francesco attracted audience in decadance by Ohad Naharin, Vertigo, Tremble or Sólo for two.