Igor Bareš
Guest Actor in DramaBiography
Igor graduated in 1989 at the Janáček’s Academy of performing Arts in Brno. He hosted in the Mrštík’s Brothers Theatre during the studies and there was also his first theatre engagement after acting studies. In 1991 he accepted a contract from National Theatre in Brno, where he was until year 2003 and performed roles like Hamlet or Thomas Bekcet in a same-named play by Anouilh there. He was nominated for Thalia Award for his role Raskolnikov in “Crime and Punishment” and for Alfred Radok Award for his Hamlet performance. Since 2002/2003 he started to host in experimental theatres as a freelancer and in 2005 he joined National Theatre company. His first role in NT was professor Higgins in Shaw’s “Pygmalion”, from other memorable roles we can highlight Dr. Mauer in “The Vast Domain“ by Arthur Schnitzler, Edvard IV. In Shakespeare’s “Richard III” and Petrucio in “The Taming of a Shrew” and currently in Elfriede Jelinek’s play “What Happened after Nora Left Her Husband”. Beside theatre he is occupied wth dubbing and into many film and TV productions. For the role in movie “The Trip” (dir. Alice Nellis) he was nominated for the Czech Lion (Czech Film and Television Academy award).