Jiří Zapletal
Guest of Laterna magikaBiography
Jiří Zapletal was born in Holešov, Morava. After finishing studies at Economics High School in Liberec, he was accepted to JAMU in Brno (Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts), which he graduated in 1990. After that he had short engagement in Karlovy Vary and afterwards he went to Klicpera’s theatre in Hradec Králové, where he is active till now. At Hradec Králové’s theather he portrayed number of prolific roles including young Faust in Faust, Pavel in Goldflam’s Já je někdo jiný (Myself Is Some Else), Jan Malina in Petrolejové Lampy (Kerosene Lamps), The Other and Pierre Verden in Florian Zeller’s The Other and If You Were to Die and Prus in Věc Makropulos (The Makropulos Affair). Notable recent works include role of Ludvik in Drábek’s Jedlíci čokolády (The Chocolate Eaters) a Velká mořská víla (The Big Mermaid). He also portrayed a numerous of TV roles (particulary in series Ulice (The Street), Ordinace (The Medical Attendance), Gympl (The High School) and České století (The Czech Century).