PhDr. Jitka Slavíková CSc.
Dramaturg of the National Theatre Opera and the State OperaBiography
PhDr. Jitka Slavíková, CSc. graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (Musicology), with PhDr and CSc. Degrees (1982 and 1992). She pursued her studies in Paris and repeatedly in London. In the years 1978–86 she worked at the Antonín Dvořák Museum in Prague, between 1986 and 2002 she was an editor of the Czech music monthly, Hudební rozhledy, and in 2002 she became dramaturg of the Prague State Opera. Since her studies she has systematically occupied with the researches about Antonín Dvořák as well as the field of opera. She was also an active singer (Kühn Mixed Choir) and with the Prague Philharmonic Choir and the Czech Radio Choir she took part in concerts tours to Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Israel. She receives invitations to sit on the juries of international voice competitions in the Czech Republic, and abroad (the competition of Ema Destinnová in České Budějovice; the competition of Antonín Dvořák in Karlovy Vary; the competition in Montreal). She was a member of the expert team preparing the publication of the ten-volume critical edition of Antonín Dvořák´s Correspondence and Documents (published by Editio Baerenreiter, Prague). She is the author of the book, Antonín Dvořák a Anglie (“A.D. and England,” Prague, 1994), and has taken part in various Dvořák scholarly symposia (New Orleans, USA, 1991; Dijon, France, 1991; Iowa, USA, 1993; numerous lectures in London, Prague, and elsewhere). She has been involved in the staging of exhibitions at the Antonín Dvořák Memorial Museum in Vysoká u Příbrami, Czech Republic (since 2001). From 1981 she has been active as a critic, publishing in Czech periodicals (Hudební věda, Hudební rozhledy, Opera plus) as well as in the British monthly magazine, Opera. She works on a regular basis with the Czech Radio (among other projects, broadcast Opera evening) and the Czech Television (among other projects, an hour-long tv documentary, Antonín Dvořák: A Citizen of Europe). She has written numberless treatises and program notes for international festivals Prague Spring and Smetana Litomyšl, opera performances and concerts of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and Prague Symphony Orchestra ad well as for the concerts of distinguished opera singers organized in Prague by Nachtigall Artists. Together with Dr Pavel Eckstein and Dr Tomáš Vrbka she cooperated on the book On the Roads to the Prague State Opera (2005). Jitka Slavíková received titles of the Honor Citizen of the City of New Orleans and the Honor Member of Dvořák’s Society in Great Britain.