Marek Cpin
Set and costume designerBiography
A graduate of the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno (2003), Marek Cpin has to date designed over 100 sets or costumes for theatres throughout the Czech Republic. He has regularly worked with the stage director Jan Mikulášek, including on the productions of Three Sisters, Wild at Heart, Four Murders Are Enough, Darling, Eugene Onegin, The Wild Duck, 1984, Wuthering Heights (Petr Bezruč Theatre); The Mousetrap, Blood Wedding (National Theatre in Brno); Elementary Particles, Europeana, Correspondence V+W, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The Golden Sixties (Reduta Theatre); Macbeth, Love and Money, Victor, or Children in Power (Theatre in Dlouhá), The Grey Seventieth, Hedonists, The Stranger, Hamlets (Na Zábradlí Theatre); The Flight Over the Ocean, The Archangels Don’t Play Billiards (Polárka Theatre); Caligula, Hercules in the Augean Stables, Gottland, Oedipus (National Moravian-Silesian Theatre).
He has also designed sets for Martin Františák’s productions, including The Doctor in Spite of Himself (Moravian-Slovak Theatre in Uherské Hradiště); Pictures from the History of the Czech Nation (Municipal Theatre Zlín), The Fixer, The Celebration, Oil Lamps (Petr Bezruč Theatre in Ostrava); Three Sisters, The Wolf Pit (Theatre in Dlouhá); King Oedipus, The Broken Pitcher, Sekal Has to Die (National Theatre in Brno).
Furthermore, he has designed sets for numerous student productions at the Marta Studio (The Playboy of the Western World, The Detritus of Antigone, Maladies of Youth, Miss Christina), as well as other projects. He has received three nominations for the prestigious Alfréd Radok Prize for best set design, and a nomination for the Czech Lion award for best costumes. The scenography for the production Hedonists has earned him the Czech Theatre Critics’ Award.