Štěpán Benyovszký
Scenario, dramaturgy, stage directionBiography
Štěpán Benyovszký’s first experience with theatre and creative writing was with the Prague-based alternative company Kabaret Caligula, whose best-known projects include Jan Hus: Resurrection and PanzerFaust. He has devoted to ballet since 2014, when, within DEKKADANCERS, he, Viktor Konvalinka and Tomáš Rychetský created the show Caves and Creatures, followed by Poslední večeře (The Last Supper), A.I., HornyBach, and others. Together with Ondřej Vinklát and Štěpán Pechar, he worked on the productions Proměna (The Metamorphosis) and Princezna se zlatou hvězdou (The Princess with the Gold Star), premiered at the J. K. Tyl Theatre in Plzeň; with Viktor Konvalinka he worked on Elixír, presented at the South Bohemia Theatre. Moreover, Štěpán has directed the action ballet MašínGun Brothers, choreographed by Viktor Konvalinka and Marek Svobodník, to Ivan Acher’s music, staged at the F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec. In tandem with the choreographer Petr Zuska, he co-directed the production Rádio Svobodná Bystrouška (Radio Free Cunning Little Vixen). Štěpán has also worked with the VOSA circus company (C’est la Wheel, First Step) and written advertising texts. Once a decade or so, he gets together with his old friends, reviving Kabaret Caligula.
When looking back at his career, Štěpán usually fails to mention that his first taste of show business was as a gang member in a popular Czech Television series. He garnered valuable experience and got a thrashing from a legendary actor.