Tomáš Krivošík
The choreographer, dancer and performance artist Tomáš Krivošík was born in Martin, Slovakia. He studied dance at the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, where he was primarily trained in the contemporary classical technique under the guidance of foreign pedagogues (Ariela Vidach, Julien Hamilton, Simone Sandroni, Herve Dinas, Istok Kovacz, Eva Blažíčková, Serge Ricci, Marta Poláková, Louise Lecavalier, and others). After graduating from the conservatory, he enrolled at the Dance Department of the Music Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague to study choreography. In 2001 he founded the DuWadance company and received the Jarmila Jeřábková Prize for his duet V nás (Within Us), in 2002 he created the duets Vnútorné práva (Inner Rights) and Malé podobenstvo (A Little Parable). In 2005 he conceived the performance for five dancers Sapro – Agapé in co-production with Canada’s 10 Dancing Gates, helmed by the choreographer Tedd Robinson. In the same year, he joined the company and created the duet Absolute Naked Party and, in tandem with Louise Lecavalier, a former member of La LaLa Human Steps, the quintet Books and Papers. As a visiting choreographer and teacher, Tomáš Krivošík created the feature-length choreography Muscosus for the Dance Studio in Banská Bystrica, where he also performed in the production Nočný pokoj (Peace at Night). Furthermore, he appeared in Salto Nel Vouto, a project of the French-Italian choreographer Paco Dècina, produced by SE.S.TA. Krivošík’s creations have been performed on stages in Europe, India, as well as South and North America.
At the beginning of 2008, he moved to Slovakia, where he carried out business in gastronomy, at the same time continuing his artistic activities. He created the productions Rozpustený v realite (Dissolved in Reality), For T(e) Solo, Farba duše (The Colour of the Soul), Tanečná talk show Arnošta Krysaříka (Arnošt Krysařík Dance Talk Show), the two-act Zdola nahor (Bottom-Up), the musical Mrázik (Father Frost) for the New Stage in Bratislava, etc. For the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre in Ostrava, he has made choreographies for productions of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (directed by Peter Gábor) and Macbeth (directed by Rastislav Balek), and Jean Anouilh’s comedy L'Invitation au Château (directed by Peter Gábor). Of late, he has worked with the Slovak stage director Martin Čičvák (Amadeus at the Vinohrady Theatre in Prague, The Lady without the Camellias at the Arena in Bratislava). At the present time, he lives in Bratislava.
Updated: May 2015