prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima DrSc., MBA
Tomáš Zima was born in Prague and between 1984 and 1990 he studied the Faculty of General Medical Practice at Charles University. After graduation, he worked at the Department of Medical Chemistry, now the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics at the 1st Faculty of Medicine, which he has been the head of since 1999. He also worked at the 1st Internal Clinic, followed by his work at the Clinic of Nephrology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine and the General University Hospital. He is attested in clinical biochemistry, internal medicine and nephrology. In 1996 he was awarded the title of senior lecturer at the 1st Faculty of Medicine and five years later, he was named the professor of Medial Chemistry and Biochemistry at Charles University. Ever since 2014, he has served as the 508th rector of Charles University and the head of the Czech Rectors Conference.
He is a member of The Learned Society of Czech Republic, Czech Medical Academy, Academia Europa, the research boards of Charles University, Masaryk University and the University of Economics, Czech Medical Chamber, and the Czech Health Research Council. He is also a board member of the Czech Medical Association of J.E. Purkyně, he is part of many committees of various national and international associations (ČSKB, ČSBMV, EFLM, ESBRA). He is doctor honoris causa at several Universities.
His interests include classical music, theatre and discovering foreign countries.