A Matinée marking the 201st Anniversary of Bedřich Smetana’s Birth
Basic information
The National Theatre
LanguageIn Czech
A traditional concert in honour of one of the major figures in the history of Czech music and the National Theatre alike.
- 2024-2025
- 2025-2026
Speech: Dr. Olga Mojžíšová
Bedřich Smetana:
Macbeth and the Witches
Rêves, Six morceaux caractéristiques pour le piano (selection) – 3. En Bohême, 4. Au Salon, 6. La Fête des Paysans bohémiens
The Brandenburgers in Bohemia:
- Ó jak tu krásné přírody zjevy (A. Moriová)
- Čtyřicet let již tomu bude (P. Švingr)
- Že jdeš konečně… Ta duše, ta touha… (J. Krovatěva, R. Hasymau)
- Nebyl to on zas … (J. Moravec)
The Two Widows
- Samostatně vládnu já, árie z 1. jednání (J. Krovatěva)
- Nechť cokoliv mě zlobí v světě… (P. Švingr)
The Secret
- Což ta voda z výše strání…, píseň z 3. jednání (B. Perná)
- Tak plane láska pravá (A. Moriová)
- Já panno Rózo, Bonifác (P. Švingr, A. Moriová)
The Bartered Bride
- Až uříš komus koupil nevěstu... Jak možná věřit (R. Hasymau)
- Och jaký žal… Ten lásky sen (B. Perná)
- Nuže milý chasníku… Znám jednu dívku (Jeník: J. Moravec, Kecal: P. Švingr)
Practical information
Where to buy tickets
When purchasing online, you can get an e-ticket. You can pick up printed tickets in person at the box offices of the National Theatre.
The National Theatre sells tickets up to 6 months in advance - currently for March–August 2025.
Sales always start on the 1st day of the month at 9am, except in January when pre-sales do not start until the 2nd day due to a public holiday.
Parking at the National Theater
What to wear?
By their appearance, attire and behaviour, the audience is obliged to adhere to the accustomed practice expected from them when attending a theatre performance.
Buffets at the National Theater
No waiting. For your benefit, please pre-order your food and beverages at the bar to minimize waiting in the queue!
Menu (PDF, 60 kB)