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Proton Theatre


Kata Wéber
The New Stage
Prague Crossroads Festival

Choose date

    May 2025

    Wednesday 28. 5.

    Booking not started yet

    Prague Crossroads Festival

    Basic information


    The New Stage


    Proton Theatre (Hungary, Budapest)

    Approximate running time

    1 hour 50 minutes, no intermission


    In Hungarian, surtitles in Czech, English



    Éva: Lili Monori
    Léna: Emőke Kiss-Végh
    Jonas: Erik Major
    Márk: Roland Rába
    László: Sándor Zsótér
    Gábor: Csaba Molnár
    Kornél: Soma Boronkay



    Director: Kornél Mundruczó
    Dramaturgy: Soma Boronkay, Stefanie Carp
    Set Design:: Monika Pormale
    Costume Design: Melinda Domán
    Light Design: András Éltető
    Music: Asher Goldschmidt
    Choreography: Csaba Molnár
    Assistant director: Soma Boronkay
    Producer: Dóra Büki
    Production assistant: Henrietta Horváth
    Camera:: Máté Takács, Mihály Teleki, Áron Farkas

    Special thanks: Ben Salah Reid, Ibrahim Sameh Samir, Juli Berkes, Kata Bartsch, Hermina Fátyol, Veronika Nemes-Jeles, Kristóf Becsey, Kálmán Burai, Nari Nguyen

    Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, Wiener Festwochen, Comédie de Genève, Piccolo Teatro di Milano – Teatro d’Europa, HAU Hebbel am Ufer – Berlin, Athens Epidaurus Festival, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg – Scène européenne, International Summer Festival Kampnagel – Hamburg, CNDO Orléans, La Bâtie – Festival de Genève


    Practical information

    Where to buy tickets

    When purchasing online, you can get an e-ticket. You can pick up printed tickets in person at the box offices of the National Theatre.

    The National Theatre sells tickets up to 6 months in advance - currently for February–July 2025.
    Sales always start on the 1st day of the month at 9am, except in January when pre-sales do not start until the 2nd day due to a public holiday.

    What to wear?

    By their appearance, attire and behaviour, the audience is obliged to adhere to the accustomed practice expected from them when attending a theatre performance.

    Parking at the National Theater

    While visiting The National Theatre and the New Stage you can use again the underground car park of the National Theatre. Information and a parking fee.


    Buffets on the New Stage

    Use Café Nona for refreshments on the New Stage.