Matinee – Song Recital XIV
Inspiration from a Folk Song
Basic information
The Estates Theatre
Approximate running time1 hour 15 minutes, no intermission
The audience will be seated on the stage of the Estates Theatre.
National Theatre Opera and the State Opera present an exceptional musical programme of song recitals. This unique song cycle brings together important musical gems of Czech and international composers performed by outstanding opera soloists on the stage of the Estates Theatre.
- 2024-2025
- 2025-2026
Six song recitals in the 2024/2025 season will increase the diversity of the National Theatre Opera's repertoire. The morning concerts on the stage of the Estates Theatre will follow the successful recitals in 2023/2024 season, during which we tested not only the acoustic possibilities of the space usually reserved for performers. Close proximity of performers and audience allows for an intense reciprocal experience of the recited pieces and an extraordinary experience enhanced by the venue itself – an otherwise hidden setting of the theatre stage and the surroundings of Old Prague itself.
Dramaturgical introduction
Leoš Janáček: Moravská lidová poezie v písních / Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs (M. Šimůnková, R. Vocel)
- Stálosť
- Karafiát
- Kvítí milodějné
- Koníčky milého
- Slib
- Šafárova céra
- Hájný
- Nejistota
- Lavečka
- Osud
Pavel Haas: Sedm písní v lidovém tónu / Seven Songs in Folk Tone (text: František Ladislav Čelakovský) (M. Šrejma)
- Což je víc!
- Dárek z lásky
- Krotká holubička
- Zrušení slibu
- Přípověď
- Slzy a vzdychání
- Statečný jonák
Miroslav Raichl:
- Škoda ťa, synečku (M. Šimůnková)
- Což ten slavíček
- Za tou naší stodoličkou (R. Vocel)
Miroslav Raichl: Moravské zpěvy / Moravian Songs (R. Vocel)
- Ty milotské zvony
- Za horama, za dolama )
Miroslav Raichl: Nezvalovský sešit / Nezval's notebook (R. Vocel)
- Osude, osude
- Silvestrovská píseň
- Zastesklo se mi
- Písnička
- Sbohem a šáteček
Practical information
Where to buy tickets
When purchasing online, you can get an e-ticket. You can pick up printed tickets in person at the box offices of the National Theatre.
The National Theatre sells tickets up to 6 months in advance - currently for March–August 2025.
Sales always start on the 1st day of the month at 9am, except in January when pre-sales do not start until the 2nd day due to a public holiday.
What to wear?
By their appearance, attire and behaviour, the audience is obliged to adhere to the accustomed practice expected from them when attending a theatre performance.
Parking at the Estates Theatre
Unfortunately, there is no parking near The Estates Theater. You can use the guarded parking lot in the Kotva shopping center (Revoluční 1/655, Prague 1) and Paladium (Na Poříčí 1079 / 3a, Prague 1).
Buffets at the Estates Theater
No waiting. For your benefit, please pre-order your food and beverages at the bar to minimize waiting in the queue!
Menu (PDF, 60 kB)