Contact of the National Theatre Benefactors’ Club
Karolína Matoušová-Peštová

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact.
Banking connection
Česká národní banka
Na Příkopě 28, 115 03 Praha 1
Česká republika
IBAN CZ10 0710 0000 0000 0283 2011
Account owner
Národní divadlo
Ostrovní 1, 112 30 Praha 1
Česká republika
Banking connection for EURO payment
IBAN CZ80 0710 0345 3400 0283 2011
The variable symbol for your payment will be sent to you by email following your registration for the National Theatre Benefactors’ Club.
The National Theatre Benefactors’ Club Committee
Kateřina Zapletalová, Chair of the Committee
Barbora Calaba
PhDr. Olga Foglarová
Mika Gregorová
Karel Janeček, Ph.D.
Zuzana Janečková
Matyáš Kodl
Jitka Pantůčková, Ph.D.
Jana Poljaková
JUDr. Martin Mikyska
Ing. Petr Sedlecký
Magdalena Souček
PhDr. Jiří Šiler
Ing. Věra Výtvarová
Members of the Committee on behalf of the National Theatre:
Prof. MgA. Jan Burian, Director of the National Theatre
Filip Barankiewicz, Artistic Director of Ballet
Radim Vizváry, Artistic director of the Laterna magika ensemble
MgA. Bohdana Malik, Director of Opera
MgA. Daniel Špinar, Artistic Director of Drama
Members of the Committee on behalf of the National Theatre:
Mgr. Tomáš Froyda, Head of External Relations Departement
Josefina Panenková, Archives National Theatre
Tomáš Staněk, PR of the National Theatre
PhDr. Karolína Matoušová Peštová, Secretary of the Committee