For children aged 6 months to 3 years.
Discounted entrance fees for performances in the 2023/2024 season:
50% discount for children under 15 on all seats in the halls in all our buildings for all performances except those in special mode* and the operas Carmen and Nabucco**
At the same time, we would like to inform you that the evening performances are not suitable for children under the age of 5.
When visiting the theater, children, students and young viewers under the age of 26 can also take advantage of a 50% discount on reserved seats for all ND performances** and we prepare a special junior offer for them every month.
Discount may not apply to rentals, guest ensembles and special projects for schools.
Entitlement to a discount is proven when entering the theater, not when purchasing a ticket.
Do you need advice? We are here for you every day:
Telephone: +420 224 901 448
E-mail: info@narodni-divadlo.cz
* For performances in a special sales regime (Audience at the Queen, Bouquet, Nutcracker – A Christmas Story), discounts only apply to the following venues: National Theater and Estate Theater - I. and II. gallery
** State Opera - ground floor row 14-18, II. balcony | National Theater – ground floor row 11–13, II. balcony, I. and II. gallery