About tickets
Ticket sales
We sell tickets up to 6 months in advance - currently for March–August 2025.
Sales always start on the 1st day of the month at 9am, except in January when pre-sales do not start until the 2nd day due to a public holiday.
Tickets can be purchased at all three daily box offices, on the National Theatre website and through the ColosseumTicket sales network.
Special regime* apply for sales of The Audience, The Nutcracker – A Christmas Carol, A Bouquet, Carmen and Nabucco.
Special regime performances
There is a special regime on sale regarding the performances The Audience, The Nutcracker – A Christmas Carol, A Bouquet, Carmen and Nabucco (tickets cannot be reserved, purchased by bank transfer nor paid by delivery).
Contact us
MON–FRI: 9 am – 6 pm
SAT–SUN: 10 am – 6 pm
Information can also be found on the About tickets page.