Ticket Packages
A ticket package is a group of several selected productions (titles) that share a similar theme, adaptation or other similarity and which we offer as part of a package, usually at a discounted price. You choose a specific date when you will go to the performance of the given production. Tickets are transferable and are printed separately for each performance.
The following packages are currently on sale:
How to choose a date when buying packages?
When you click on the Buy Package button, you will move to the first of the offered titles. In the upper right corner, select one of the terms we offer within the Ticket Package from the drop-down list.
After selecting the performance date, select the seats in the hall and click on the Add To Cart button. This will take you to the next of the offered titles in the package. Here again, first select the term, then the place in the hall and repeat until you have selected places for all the titles in the package.